Manifest Card: To Stand Up + Speak Up
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Stuff I Want To Manifest : To Stand Up + Speak Out
For yourself and others! Open your throat chakra and learn to speak up, set boundaries, not shrink back or become quiet. What you have to say is valuable, it is who you are. RBG gave a voice to those who needed to be stood up for, she also learned how to speak in a way that she could be heard and well respected..
includes charm
Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let's DO THIS!
Each 3 x 3 package comes with a manifesting card and instructions on how to manifest, plus a super attractor Magical Power Object to carry with you or pin to your vision board to make it come true. You can keep it all together in the bag or carry the Magical Power Object in your purse or pocket separately!
Slip it into greeting cards, gifts, pockets or purses.
Attach it to your vision board, mirror or altar.
Magical Power Object may vary*